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Sunday, March 22, 2015


My field trip this week would have been to Bethlehem. The very city that Christ was born. Going to Bethlehem was one of the few times that we were allowed to pass into Palestinian territory. However, we journeyed comfortably by bus, unlike the pregnant Mary and Joseph who journeyed from Nazareth to Bethlehem as part of the census.

While in the city we went to the Church of the Nativity. This is believed to be the birth place of Christ. At the time it was under renovation inside, but it did not detract from the spirit and meaning in the church. My class waited amongst the crowd to into the Grotto where the site of Christ's birth had been preserved. Though sometimes we wish these sights could be viewed as they were when the events occurred, a true cave or field, but the best way for something to be preserved through the centuries is to put a church on top of it.

During my time in the Holy Land, I had become very accustomed to crowds at such sites. I had observed the incredible dedication of people from all over the world coming to these places just to be there for a few seconds; this was typically the case because of the mass of people. This was no different.

I entered the Grotto with a handful of other classmates. I took my picture by the star (where Christ was born), walked around, and took my picture where Mary laid Christ. The Grotto was already crowded with many other people and amidst this incredible place and the spirit within, I heard a man begin to curse and use the Lord's name in vain. in this moment, my spirit sank. I couldn't believe how someone could be so disrespectful because of the displeasure of a crowd. It truly took me aback as I began to ponder what it meant for me to come to these places. Surely it would be nice to have been able to take my time and ponder and pray; but I did not need to visit these sights to have a confirming witness of Christ's birth and his divinity. 

Though this man may have lost sight of his testimony and the reason he had come to see Christ's birthplace, he reminded me why I came. I pondered my purpose as we went to the Shepard's Field later that night. At the time, I had no desire to go home, but to remain there surrounded by the spirit. But,

I came home edified with my testimony strengthened. Some people wear the heart on their sleeve, but I wear my testimony on my sleeve. I carry with me my life for Christ and his great atoning sacrifice.

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