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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Let Me Share My Dream

When I was fourteen, I dreamed about going to Israel. Of course, my dad said no because of the unstable environment. Now, almost six years later, I am living this dream that I never thought would come true.

On January 7th I left my Utah home to live and study in the Holy Land for almost four months. I left behind many friends and a loving family. As the days neared my departure, I could think of little but the people I was leaving behind. Two of whom I wouldn't see for another two years, and another who moved to California just before I left. Four months is only a moment, but a lifetime when spent away from the ones you love.

The night before I left my big brother, already heavy eyed and tired, stayed up on his school night to play one last game before I left. In the morning he woke me to say goodbye. The words that have lingered on my mind are these: Miranda, things are never going to be the same. While he was referring to our childhood relationship of playing Legos and wrestling  in the living room, I thought about them a little more. I will not be the same when I return home. Things won't be the same because I won't be able to unsee and unlearn all that I have experienced while in this country. The people I come home to won't be the same either. Just because I am not there, their lives won't stop. We will live and learn and grow.

I have been in Israel for just a few days now, with some eighty other students. I have already seen myself start to grow. I have been out in the city only a handful of times and my knowledge has already increased. My appreciation for the people and the culture will forever be in my heart.  My hope is to document my experiences  on this once in a lifetime trip and share what I have learned and observed while in the Holy Land.

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