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Friday, January 31, 2014

The River Jordan

Yesterday, before returning home to the center, we took one last trip out of Jordan. We got to go inside of a Mosque and went to a museum. Both cool. But really, the part of the trip that made it worthwhile was going to the Jordan River.

We sat along side the river talking and reading scriptures. I had never thought so much on the event of Jesus of Nazareth being baptized. The scriptures tell us that he descended below all men. The Jordan river is at one of the lowest points on earth. He literally descended below man.

I spent most of my time by the riverside contemplating my own brothers and their influences and impacts on my life. I can't say that I had any intense spiritually enlightening experiences. I didn't need to go to the sight of his baptism to know that he is the Christ. But it certainly strengthened my testimony of his example.

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