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Friday, January 31, 2014

Petra by Night

On Monday the 27th my fellow classmates and I headed across the Israel border to Jordan. It was an early day; really, every morning in Jordan started at about 6 am. We spent hours on the bus and hours just chillin at the border. But it was an amazing couple of days!

Our first night some of us went and did Petra by night. We were all going to spend the day at Petra the following morning, so this was optional and at our own expense. It was worth it. At first I was disappointed that I couldn't get any pictures because it was so dark, but then I realized that there truly was no way to capture the beauty of walking through the canyon at night. It was absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could express the beauty of it or show you a picture, but like I said, it's just one of those things.

We wound through the canyon, tall sloping walls of rock. The sky above was pitch black, the path lit up by covered candles. I don't think I had seen so many stars dancing across the sky, even when up in the mountains away from the every day light pollution. I found Orin's Belt and the Big Dipper. But the most incredible thing was looking up and walking out of the canyon to see the treasury looming before me. It was a sight you can't even imagine.

Now, it's not the same as seeing it at night, but try and imagine walking out and seeing this astounding sight! If any of you ever get the opportunity to go to Petra I would strongly advise doing Petra by Night. Once in a lifetime opportunity. An optional activity that certainly impacted my perception when I got to see it all in the sunlight!

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