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Friday, January 24, 2014

Judean Wilderness

On Thursday my class took a field trip to Jericho. Which is an 8 hour walk from Jerusalem, if you were wondering. We went to the spring and to one of Herod's Palaces. It was probably my most favorite field trip yet. But what made it so amazing was being in the middle of nowhere. Literally.

We were headed to the Judean Wilderness and I turned to the girl next to me and said we are in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't flat, it wasn't mountainous. It was, however, dusty and rocky. It was a sight I had never seen. Our bus dropped us off and we trekked to a little pavilion where we talked about the parable of the good Samaritan.

After we concluded we trekked again to the pick up spot. As I was walking around I just looked out at this great expanse of absolutely nothingness, and yet, it was everything. It was absolutely incredible.

I began thinking about wandering around in this... mass of dust and rocks with no end in sight. To live in this environment and all that it would require. Truly devastatingly discouraging. You're hiking and then you keep hiking. Over each hill is another hill and there is absolutely no end in sight. Incredible.

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