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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday, it was a relatively normal day for me filled with church and family. But last year I walked from Bethphage to Jerusalem, walking the path of Christ.

The day started early for me as I had the opportunity to go play the bells at the YMCA but, that afternoon the whole center walked to the starting point of the Palm Sunday Walk. All along the way were young Palestinian boys selling palm leaves. Of course, I wanted the biggest one; and I got it. Some of the boys were having a harder time getting the leaves for the low price that the girls were getting them for. For some reason, the girls got the best price.

The walk started and it was the biggest sea of people I had been in. Shoulder to shoulder crowds shuffled along the path to enter the gates of Jerusalem. As I walked, my palm leaf grew heavy and I quickly realized my mistake of desiring the largest one. While it makes for great pictures, that is about all it is good for. One of my good friends, helped me strip the lower leaves to lighten my load and provide a more comfortable hand hold.

As we walked people sang, danced, played music, anything imaginable. Countless Christian faiths gathered in remembrance of the Savior's entry into Jerusalem. In that time it didn't matter what we each believed and the differences we all had. What mattered was our belief in the Savior and the message of hope and redemption that he brings. It truly was amazing to witness the unity of the faiths as I picked up on their songs and sang with them or others listened as a small band of humble Mormons sang four part harmony.

While on this walk, my friend and I were pulled aside and interviewed by Fox News. Though our interview never aired, it was truly wonderful to be able to share my thoughts and opinions on the Palm Sunday walk in Jerusalem and the unity of numberless people united by their faith in Christ. It was an opportunity for be to be and example of the believers.

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