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Tuesday, February 11, 2014


It's been quite a while since my last update. For two reasons really. One, classes have been keeping me super busy with midterms and everything. Two, there hasn't been too much to report. But, I'll give a fun little update so people don't start thinking I died or something.

Shortly after arriving here, a group and I were headed back to the center. We were probably here just over a week. It was after one of those free days and we had gone out exploring the city. Curfew is sunset. Well, we have to be back by dark, really. I remember turning to a friend and saying "let's go home." It only took me a moment to process what exactly I had said.

When we got back to the center, the sun was setting. It was an incredible sight. Eventually I'll get a sunset picture on here. I just looked out over the city and watch the sky fade into a bright pink. I realized how lucky I was to call this place my home, and that's what it has become.

While I was in Jordan, I missed the Jerusalem Center. I was only gone for a few days, but I missed my "home". When we got back, I just threw myself on my bed and enjoyed the familiarity of everything.

 I've been here just over a month, and yet I feel like I've been here forever. This truly has become my home. It's my home away from home, anyway. The people, the culture, my friends and classmates. I have grown to love this place so much, and am going to miss it intently when I have to say goodbye.

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