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Monday, February 24, 2014

Dead Sea

As I'm sure you've figured out by now, I'm really bad at posting as things happen.Though I may not finish this tonight, I wanted to start writing about my latest adventure now.  So, here goes:

Today was our free day. About half the students piled on buses to go to the Dead Sea and En Gedi National Park. It was a fun bus ride full of music, laughter, and a little karaoke. We then proceeded to hike around En Gedi. Our first little endeavor was to the "hidden waterfall". But really, it can't be hidden if you mark a path to get to it. The way there was absolutely beautiful. And of course, who can resist standing underneath pounding water. Just like a shower, right?

After lunch and some group split offs, we made our way to some other springs. Let me tell you, it was a tiring hike. It was steep enough that part way up I thought I was crazy for doing it. When we reached the top, one of the guys turned to me and said "sometimes you wonder why you're hiking up, but when you get to the top, it's always worth it". Let me tell you, it was worth it.

My pictures can't even begin to capture how incredible the view truly was. Let's be honest though, pictures can hardly capture a fraction of the magnificence of most things. The trek down the other side to the springs was also a steep little en-devour. But it was still neat to see even more water!

Better yet, after this tiring adventure, we made our way to the Dead Sea. We were all anxious with anticipation. The water was absolutely inviting! It was a brilliant blue and clear as day. I quickly stripped down to my swimsuit and ran out to the water. About waist deep, I finally took the plunge. All I can say is your center of gravity is very off when all you do is float!


And then of course, you have to get yourself nice and covered in the Dead Sea mud. It was one of the most enjoyable days I've had here. I can't wait to go back!

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