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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Like a Lamb

With all the joy and happiness that comes with finals week, I have been so overwhelmed with the crazy amounts of fun involved that I've neglected to update those of you who find it worth your time to read my simple stories. With that said, I hope you enjoy the update.

On the 24th of February we took a trip to Neot Kedumim. Essentially, it is a biblical landscape reserve. We talked about some of the things found in the bible like the importance of the almond blossom and we even ground our own hyssop. When lunch time came around we got to help make our own pita, tea,  and "stew". It was quite the adventure.

I really enjoyed this field trip because it was super hands on compared to some of the other things we do. Plus, making lunch and everything reminded me of camping. We had a fire and everything. It's something my family has always done, so it was nice to have that familiarity.

The best part of the day, though, was sheep herding. We got to go down to a field, and as a group round up the goats and sheep. Then, as instructed by our guide, we proceeded to move the sheep from circle to circle, holding them there before going to the next.

It was amazing to me how simple it was to guide them. There was some resistance at the beginning, but it was like they wanted to be led; they wanted direction.  The other thing that caught my attention was when the baby goats were being picked up, they freaked out. But as soon as they were being held, they calmed down and were content. Isn't this how we are? We not only need, but desire direction in our life. When we are lost and aren't sure what's going one, we tend to freak out. But when we have that direction, when we feel safe, we simply follow.  Okay, really, we tend to rebel and realize that we should follow. This is why we need to be like sheep.

I made friends with this sweet goat!

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