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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Knee Deep

On the 10th of February, my class and I headed to the City of David. Very cool. Not a lot to say. The adventure, though, took place below the city. We all geared up with our water shoes and headlamps and began our journey underground.

I stepped down and my shoes filled with water. I took another step and the water rose. A few more steps in and the chill of the water began to register. It became that moment when you step into a pool or a lake and you dive under instead of easing yourself in. Only, I couldn't do that here. When I stepped to the deepest point the water rose above my knees and then it backed off.

Then tunnel went on for ages, laughter echoed through it and the splashing of our feet never ended. The ceiling was low and the walls narrow. Then, all in turn, we turned off our headlamps and traveled through in complete darkness. The ceiling rose, the light filtered in, and that was Hezekiah's Tunnel.

Really, it was a fun little adventure. I wish it lasted longer. Not the most exciting thing unless you were there. I tried to spin the story in a more exciting way since I have nothing profound to say about this experience. The video I took isn't the best, but feel free to check it out.

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