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Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Galilean Journey

This blog post is going up for a few reasons. One, to update the world and record my journey. Two, to let my family and friends know what is going on. 

On the 27th, we departed for Galilee. We had some stops throughout the day, but arrived at En Gev, which lies on the shore of Galilee, just before sunset. We are staying here for a total of ten days, returning back to Jerusalem on the 6th of April. I already have many experiences I wish to share. Unfortunately, that will not be the case.

This is what I have for you now, though. I had a goal in mind the day before leaving for Galilee. I wasn’t really committed. At our first stop, on our way here, I found my own little secluded space and took a video. There, I committed to this goal, not fully understanding what I was committing myself to.  Now, I’m not sharing what it is I have come here to achieve. But because of this goal, I will essentially be cutting myself off from the world while I am here so I can put my entire being into reaching my goal. I was going to keep up emailing, but the first morning here, I opened an email that managed to set me back on my goal. I’m on track now and cannot wait to share my experiences when it is all over. I’m writing every night in my journal, so don’t worry, I won’t forget them. But until then, no emails, no internet and social media, no phone calls. For the next seven days, I am in my own world!

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