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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Facing my Goliath

This is a blog post I have been struggling to write for a few weeks. I thought time and space would make it easier, it hasn’t. It’s also more of a personal experience. I have no issues sharing my experiences, but when it’s something that close to me, I get iffy. I hardly talk about stuff like this to people, let alone post it. But hopefully you can find strength in my moment of weakness.

About three weeks ago my class went on a field trip to several places. Among them was the site where David faced Goliath. I had had a pretty hard night before and wasn’t able to sleep it off like I normally can. I was a wreck most of the day. I took pictures at all the sights, but never with me in them. I wanted to remember the places, but not the day I was faced with such opposition.

When we arrived in the valley of Elah, one of my roommates asked me if I wanted my picture. I quickly declined and she came to realize something was wrong. She hugged me asked again if I was sure I didn’t want my picture. This time I thought about it and consented.

I am so grateful for my experience. When I get home I plan to print out this picture and put it with the story of David. I got to go to the place where he faced Goliath on the day I was facing one of my Goliaths; the day I had made one of the hardest decisions of my life. We all have our Goliaths. But just like David, we can overcome them. Hopefully they’re not Bathsheba’s because he didn’t handle that one well.

Looking back, you’d think that after three weeks, it would be easier. It has only gotten harder. But, because of the choice that was so hard for me to make, I have been prepared to face the challenges that have come with. If I had not faced my Goliath when I did, it very well could have turned into a Bathsheba. More importantly I am grateful for my trials and this opportunity to become stronger and grow. I consider myself a God fearing woman and He is my greatest source of strength in times of trial like this. If there is nothing else you learn from me, remember it is my testimony that you are never alone.

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