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Sunday, November 23, 2014

His Hands

This is a post that is not so much about doctrine and scripture; no ancient sites or spiritual experiences. Simply kind people making an impact in my life when I truly needed it.

In my previous post, Facing My Goliath, I discussed a very trying time I had. It was the after math of making one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. I went throughout the day with tear stained cheeks, seeking solitude among the mass of peers I traveled with. But, by the end of my field trip day, I had perked up enough. Still, the weight of my decision still rested on my shoulders. That night was a normal Monday night and after dinner was Family Home Evening. To be honest I have no idea what my group did or how I made it through because I just wanted to retire to my room and shut out the world.

When I was finally able to get to my room, I was the first one of my roommates back for the night. I opened the door and found quite the surprise when I turned on the light. All inside the room were paper hearts with small messages on them. Confused at first, I scanned the hearts. Each one had a name belonging to one of us four girls that lived there; all of them were anonymous. I picked up a heart with my name, and for the last time that day tears filled my eyes as I began to realize what had occurred. One of the FHE groups had decided to write "nice notes" and had picked my room. Instantly I was filled with love.

I had been in Jerusalem for a month. Out of the 81 other students on the program, only a few knew anything about me at all; and even less knew I was struggling that day. But in that moment I knew that my Heavenly Father knows me. When the group of students decided to write notes, He guided them to pick my room. He knew that such a small act was exactly what I needed to help me to be okay, after the inner conflict I was overrun by.

Truly, truly, we are God's hands. Without us, God could not reach all His children. We are on God's errand, to bless and strengthen those in need. And how are we to do so if we do not have His spirit with us! It is crucial for us to live worthy of God's spirit that He might guide us to those who need His loving influence. I would invite you, whoever you are, to go and serve someone today that you might bless someone's life when they need it, like a group of unnamed students did to me.

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