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Monday, December 22, 2014

Why I Left

Going to Jerusalem was one of the greatest experiences of my life. It is a time that I hold dear in my heart. I told you Why I Went now I need to tell you why I left. No, it wasn't because the semester ended. It wasn't because I didn't have the money to stay. It was for no other reason than because I needed to.

I have walked where Christ has walked
As my journey was nearing its end, I still had no idea why I was there. My entire time in Israel, I felt connected to the city of Jerusalem. I fell in love with the city, the cultures, the people. I fell in love with what I was learning and the experiences I had. I wanted nothing more than to leave my old life behind. To stay and continue learning. I struggled with the thought of coming home, right up until I got on the bus to leave. All around me, my friends and classmates were eager to return to their families, to return to America. I felt alone in my desire to stay forever; and I didn't even know why I was there.

Within the last two weeks of the program, I finally received my answer. I had desired to know my purpose in Israel in order to fulfill it, but I realized that wouldn't fulfill anything at all. As recognition slowly rolled over me, I realized that I needed to leave. For me to accomplish my purpose for going to Jerusalem, I needed to leave my beloved city. I finally realized that in my blessing before going to Israel, I was told why; "to proclaim my knowledge when I returned home". And everything hit me. God had directed me to Israel because I would have experiences that no one else would have. I would go to places that few people would have to opportunity to go to. I was given the ability to have these experiences so I could share them with the world. And that, was something I had to come home to do. I didn't need to know why I was there, while I was there. I just needed to know before  I came home.

But, more importantly, I walk as He walks
That is why I continue my blog. To document my experiences with the hopes that someone will stumble upon my humble record and find value in my words. I seek to share my experiences whenever the opportunity arises. I know that throughout my life I will be able to share these precious moments with my family and in my church callings. But this is not enough for me, I will continue to do all within my power to share the truth of Christ and the reality of his life and death. For he lives and I am his messenger, foreordained, to carry his message to the world.

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