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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Book of Mormon

On Sunday I had the opportunity to listen to an archeologist who travels all over the middle east. He focused on the journey of Lehi and his family from Jerusalem to the land of milk and honey. As I listened and looked at his slides, I could hardly contain my enthusiasm as I recognized a circular altars in some pictures from a place I had visited. I was distraught that I couldn't remember that the pictures were from Har Megiddo also pronounced Armageddon.

It was amazing for me to be reminded of the truth that the gospel has that doesn't belong to another church. Sometimes I get caught up in the Bible and the places I went and the knowledge I have about it all. And it is important, the gospels contain the life and ministry of Christ which is the good news. But, the Book of Mormon is a continuation of that story containing his ministry after he was resurrected. 

In third Nephi we read about Christ's birth, death, and resurrection from the perspective of those who left Jerusalem and journeyed to the Americas. We read of Christ coming to the America's and visiting his "other sheep".

"Jesus Christ did show himself unto the people of Nephi, as the multitude were gathered together in the land Bountiful, and did minister unto them; and on this wise did he show himself unto them."
          Comprising chapters 11-26.  

Though my experience traveling through the Bible is one of the most valuable things I have, it is not as valuable as my testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know the words are true, that they continue the journey of Christ's ministry. It is a book of divine knowledge brought about in our day to restore the fulness of the gospel in the world. It goes hand in hand with the Bible as another testament of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Alter of the Lord

This last week in Jerusalem, I would have returned from my field trip to the Valley of Elah. This field trip was particularly hard for me. Just as David faced Goliath here, I faced my own Goliath. The story is there for you to recount or read if you haven't before. Needless to say, it was probably the second most trying day during my study abroad, but the hardest decision I have ever had to make.

Just weeks before I left for Jerusalem, this choice weighed on my mind. While in Jordan, I sunk to my knees in desperate prayer to my Father in Heaven. I placed my decision
on the alter of the Lord and I pleaded to know what to do, confused about the situation at hand. While on my knees I realized what I wanted and that was my agency. Hard as it was, I came to my decision there. The following week, the night before my field trip, I put this choice into action. 

Using a sling and stones like David
Sometimes God asks us to sacrifice what is most important to us. Sometimes, it is a matter of faith and putting our trust in him. As it turned out, this devastating choice of mine didn't pan out how I imagined it would. It truly seemed to be a matter of trust and obedience, as it was confirmed to me in a blessing that I had made the right choice.

God asks hard things of us. But he only asks those things that he knows we can do. And really, if you think about it, with God we can do anything. With that in mind, God only asks of us those things which he is willing to help us achieve. These tests of faith help us increase our relationship with God as we learn and grow in knowledge and spirit; we must simply act.

As we take our most precious things  to the alter of the Lord, and sacrifice them, in His name, the blessings come. It isn't until we turn our whole being over God that we are able to serve in his name. After submitting our will to his, it is then that he can truly trust us.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

By Example

Looking back at my year in the Holy Land, one of my favorite times was  leaving there to go to Jordan. I've told you about Petra by Night and my experience riding a camel but more than my trivial adventures, I found Jordan to be a place of opportunity.

I got to spend the four days there with a new roommate. She was half the reason Jordan was so great.  She is one of the nicest, sweetest girls I know. More than that, I learned so much from her. As we embarked on this journey together, she was always by my side, making sure I wasn't left behind. We ate meals together and talked in our room. We our class went out, she would like her arm in mine, I admired her happiness, grateful for her new friendship. I learned a lot from her. As we arrived at the hotel the first night, she asked if I wanted to have roommate prayer. From there we proceeded to alternate morning and night and pray together. She was such a strength and example to me.

We should constantly be striving to be examples and lift and strengthen others. I told you how I felt bound and chained, unable to speak of my religion, but often found opportunity through song. This was no exception. The second half of my trip to Jordan was spent in Amman. The last night there some friends and I went out to rainbow street. On the way back we ran into more people from our class who were listening to some locals singing and playing guitar, something my teacher had raved about. It was fun to join in as we all sang with them. I didn't know most of the songs, but it's not something you get to do every night.

The best part though, is to say thanks, we all turned around and sang Nearer my God to Thee. I found it interesting that some of the locals in the crowd filmed US! I'd never been on that end before. It was neat to be able to share this small message; a common Christian hymn. But it was a step. A small moment to share the truth that we had. An opportunity.